Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Parenting Strategies that Need Cooking First

Frog Patience
We are overexposed to so much information on the net about parenting/educational  strategies that it often leaves us utterly confused. Often we delay taking action and when we finally do, the strategy does not work very well.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Blame/ Shame Game

As a Parent, Grandparent, Aunt or Uncle, somehow we feel that we can control how the children in our lives present themselves to the outside world.  We can't.  We  want kids to do things that help the grownups to look better in the world.  Sometimes, we become stuck in the blame/shame game.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

My Parenting Strategies- Where do they come from?

My parenting strategies are an eclectic mix of elements  that I have learned.   I feel  that I am an old soul and knew  many things from previous incarnations.   I was always coming up with "wise" ways of looking at the world and as a result, usually ahead of my time.

Monday, June 9, 2014

The Male Brain

Frog Mover
My husband and I raised two daughters with a lot of help from family,  friends and books. We now have a grandson and at 15 months, he is already quite different from our daughters. He is moving non stop. The other day in nursery, he began to run before he could walk steadily.  He makes sure that he waves to the staff before he leaves everyday. He is awesome.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Dad's- Where are they?

Interesting article in the May/June issue of the Scientific American Mind titled Where's Dad by Paul Raeburn.  For many years, it has been the chronic habit to blame Mom's for all of  our children's difficult behaviors. Guess what, there is new research that states that an engaged Dad whether, living at home or not, is a critical factor to their daughter's mental health.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Child Led Parenting- A New Way to Understand Parenting

When we remember who we were as children, we remember that we had amazing ideas about how the world would work best. I was convinced that truth telling was important, my sister Robin strongly that being self sustainable through farming was the way and another friend talked about creative expression. We were often blocked in these ideas and  buried them.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Tapping for Kids

frog nap

You may have seen adults doing strange things like tapping on different parts of their face and body. This strange ritual  called Tapping helps to create a more relaxed state. We can also  teach our children this tapping routine so that they can help themselves to deal with tough emotions of  anger,  sadness and other emotions very quickly. It is an easy technique to learn and can be used over and over again. Please check out the following youtube video.