Monday, March 31, 2014

Are Your Children Different From The Way You Were?

Froggy Wisdon
Absolutely, today's children are different. It is not just about the way that they are being raised. They are unique. They are often smarter, quicker, wiser, better at electronics, and want to save the world.

Anxiety As A Way To Develop Intuition

Frog Song
I don’t think that it is possible to be a parent or a grandparent without being anxious. Signs of anxiety include:  a sense of dread, self doubt,  difficulty sleeping, jumpiness and difficulty making decisions.  And a certain level of anxiety makes us perform better at work and at home. The problem happens when there is too much anxiety and then it is awful

Cultivate Intuition as a Best Friend

Frog Sense

Sometimes it seems that we throw our intuition away as soon as we become parents. All of a sudden we need to read everything about the issue before we can make a decision. There are many things that we already know. It is helpful to be conscious but do not overlook what you already know.