Monday, March 31, 2014

Anxiety As A Way To Develop Intuition

Frog Song
I don’t think that it is possible to be a parent or a grandparent without being anxious. Signs of anxiety include:  a sense of dread, self doubt,  difficulty sleeping, jumpiness and difficulty making decisions.  And a certain level of anxiety makes us perform better at work and at home. The problem happens when there is too much anxiety and then it is awful


However, moderate  anxiety can be a useful tool and can point out an important issue that is being presented in your family life.  Pay attention to what has happened right before you started feeling anxious. Were your children about to watch a scary movie and you had second thoughts?   Have you given into your child's demands about sugary foods too often?  Did you feel something and not say it aloud at the time of making the decision?

Everyone has amazing intuitive abilities  if they allow them to mature and blossom.

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